Hi, how’s it going? I’m Paul, this is my site.

It’s a bit of an experiment of mine and many parts are not polished or even remotely close to finished. It’s mainly a place for me to experiment with web technologies and store the resources I’ve created.

I’m a software engineer in test (SDET) at The MathWorks, the creators of MATLAB and Simulink. I work in the Cloud Platforms team - making MATLAB feel at home in the cloud.

I graduated with my PhD from the University of Nottingham, UK in 2020. I worked with Prof. John Barrett on Non-commutative Geometry and Quantum Gravity. If you are interested finding out more about this topic I suggest that you look at the documents in: Research.

Between 2020-2022 I worked as a tutor and I needed a place to easily share my timetable and any content I created with my students. This is what drove me to create this website. You can find my tutoring content here: Tutoring.

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Unfinished and In Progress Notes

These posts will eventually move to the list above over time…

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